
Collaborators are selling the land of the Azov coast to Russian "investors" - The Resistance Center

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The collaborators illegally seize and sell to Russian "investors" Ukrainian land on the Azov coast, including boarding houses, recreation centers and recreational areas.

Russian occupants offer illegally appropriated land along the Azov coast, including boarding houses, recreation centers and recreational areas, to "investors" from Russia. This was reported by the National Resistance Center, UNN reports .

The occupation authorities are now actively offering the illegally appropriated land along the Azov coast to so-called investors from the Russian "chef regions". These are primarily recreational areas, boarding houses and recreation centers,

- the statement said.


It is noted that the head of the "DPR" Denis Pushilin claims that Russia is building relations with "investors" who "can take certain boarding houses, land for boarding houses and already equip the territory." At the same time, there is no legal legitimization of such actions.

It seems that Pushilin himself does not fully believe that it is possible to operate lawlessly in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The realization that there will be responsibility for every crime is present in the mind of the Kremlin's handler,

- the resistance adds.

The National Center emphasizes that the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for life imprisonment with confiscation of property for collaboration.


Russian occupiers seize Ukrainian property in the occupied territories and declare it ownerless under Russian law: since the beginning of April, 60 apartments and houses have already been seized in Melitopol.


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