
Budanov suggested that attacks on Russian infrastructure may increase

 • 23511 переглядiв

Head of Ukraine's military intelligence suggests increased attacks on Russian infrastructure

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Kyrylo Budanov, has suggested that "attacks on Russian infrastructure may increase." He said this in an interview with CNN, UNN reports.


According to the newspaper, "refusing to recognize Ukraine's involvement in drone attacks in Russia," Budanov said that such operations are "quite possible.

"Hypothetically, there is a plan according to which all this happens," Budanov said.

"And I believe that this plan includes all major critical infrastructure facilities and military infrastructure facilities of the Russian Federation," he added.

Now, he said, Russian citizens are finally "seeing the real picture (of the war). They see burning oil depots, destroyed buildings of factories and plants, and so on. This is all good," he said.

Процес, який триває завжди: представник ГУР МО України розповів про кібератаку, якою було припинено спецзв’язок між підрозділами зс рф31.01.24, 14:17


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