
British Intelligence: Russia is exporting minerals from Ukraine via the Kerch Bridge

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Russia continues to extract minerals in the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia region, exporting them by rail across the Kerch Bridge. This is stated in a new report by the UK Ministry of Defense based on intelligence, UNN reports.


The British intelligence report says that sources in the Ukrainian government have long been talking about Russia's theft of Ukrainian resources from the territories it occupies. We are talking about iron ore, coal, titanium, uranium, manganese, gold and lithium deposits.

The British Ministry of Defense notes that Ukraine has deposits of iron ore, coal, titanium, uranium, manganese, gold and lithium that are "almost certainly desirable to Russia" but also potential targets for Russian strikes  in an effort to destroy Ukraine's economy. 

British intelligence believes that one of the reasons why Russia is seeking to improve transportation networks in occupied Ukraine is because it wants to extract more Ukrainian minerals. As previously stated by a Russian occupation official in Zaporizhzhia region, the ongoing modernization and construction of road and rail links to Russia will improve communication lines not only for military logistics, but also for grain and mineral exports.

South of Dneprorudne in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia region, Russia continues mining, exporting iron ore by rail. The trains travel through Crimea, across the Kerch Bridge to Russia.  This activity is not without risk, as the trains have to move through areas where Ukrainian partisans are active and have already claimed responsibility for attacks

 - said the British intelligence. 

"Все реалізується згідно з планом": ГУР про удари по Керченському мосту 26.06.24, 13:17


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