
BP approves introduction of liability for improper maintenance of civilian shelters

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The Verkhovna Rada voted in the first reading for a bill that introduces liability for improper maintenance of civilian shelters, establishing penalties and criminal liability for violations that lead to death or other serious consequences.

The Verkhovna Rada today, May 22, voted in the first reading for the draft law No. 9362-1, which introduces liability for improper maintenance and operation of objects of the Civil Protection facilities fund. This was announced by MP Oleksiy Honcharenko, reports UNN

In the first reading, the Parliament voted on draft law 9362-1 on the introduction of liability for violation of the requirements for the maintenance and operation of objects of the Civil Protection facilities fund. Za-265

- Goncharenko wrote in Telegram. 

We are talking about the draft law "on amendments to the Code of administrative offenses of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine on the introduction of liability for violation of the requirements for the maintenance and operation of objects of the Civil Protection Fund". 

The document introduces penalties for violating the requirements for the maintenance and operation of objects of the fund of protective structures.

Also, as Goncharenko pointed out, it is planned to establish criminal liability for violating the maintenance and operation of objects of the Civil Protection Fund, which led to the death of a person or other serious consequences.

Парламент створив ТСК щодо фортифікацій та дронів22.05.24, 11:47


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