
Border guards helped to find a stolen painting of the XVII century.

 • 21083 переглядiв

Employees of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine facilitated the return to the Dutch Westfries Museum of an exhibit that was stolen almost 20 years ago and had been on the Interpol wanted list all this time. According to a report on the website of the State Border Guard Service, it is a painting by artist Jan Linsen, which dates back to 1629, UNN reports.


The Operational Investigation Department of the Zhytomyr Border Guard Detachment found out that the painting was illegally owned by a Ukrainian citizen who was looking for buyers in our country and neighboring Poland.

In cooperation with the Polish Border Guard and representatives of the Netherlands, a plan was developed that made it possible to seize the painting from the thief and arrest him. His case is currently being investigated by the prosecutor's office in Krakow.

Пункт пропуску "Шегині-Медика" працює в штатному режимі, попри погрози польських фермерів – ДПСУ09.06.24, 12:28 • [views_25540]


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