
Blackout schedules adjusted: they will be valid from 19:00 due to obstacles for SES due to cloud cover

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Due to increased cloud cover, which hinders the production of solar energy, planned hourly power outages in Ukraine will begin at 19:00 instead of 20: 00 on May 22, while critical infrastructure will remain unaffected.

Due to the increase in cloud cover, which hinders the production of solar energy, the schedule of power outages in Ukraine will begin from 19:00 instead of 20:00 on May 22, Ukrenergo reported on Wednesday, writes UNN.

Today, on May 22, hourly shutdown schedules will be valid for industrial and domestic consumers throughout Ukraine not from 20:00, but from 19:00 to 24:00. The reason for the adjustment is an increase in cloud cover, which interferes with the operation of SES

- reported in Ukrenergo.

Energy supply to critical infrastructure facilities that perform the function of life support for the population is not limited, Ukrenergo added.

У Києві та чотирьох регіонах графіки відключень світла діятимуть з 19:00 - ДТЕК22.05.24, 14:36


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