
Beat soldiers with feet and a belt: a major of the Lviv military academy was sent into custody

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A major of the Lviv military academy was arrested for physically assaulting subordinate soldiers, including hitting them with objects, kicks and slaps in the face.

Law enforcement officers detained a major for bullying subordinates on the territory of the National Academy of Land Forces named after Hetman Pyotr Sagaidachny in Lviv. The court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest  with the right to pay more than nine hundred thousand Hryvnia bail, reports UNN

The major's detention was reported by the publication ZAXID.NET.

According to the text of the court's ruling, on June 6, 2024, the major was informed of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 5 of Article 426-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of power or official authority by a military official). 

For these reasons, the major ambiguously experienced physical violence before the death. Approximately at the beginning of the spring, the cob of the fall of 2023 rock, perebuvayuchy at the barracks, the National Academy of Sciences gave the soldier a blow in the chest with the handle of the bolt-action AK-74 machine gun.   

In addition, the major in the same period unreasonably hit the second soldier with his right foot in the chest area, after which  with his left hand he struck about 3 blows with the palm of his hand on the back of the head. 

Also, it is reported that on July 6, 2023, the major ordered another soldier  to approach him and bent down in front of him, after which, holding a belt in his hand, he hit them about 7 times in the buttocks. 

In addition, in the presence of other military personnel of the training course, he forced another soldier to put cigarettes in his mouth with his own hands and chew for a few seconds. Also, the major unreasonably struck one blow with his right hand in the area of the ribs of the left side of the soldier's torso. 

The court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of sixty days (until August 4, 2024 inclusive). He also set a deposit of UAH 908,400.

Змушував підлеглих будувати приватний будинок: для командувача регіонального управління сил ТрО "Південь" проситимуть арешт 03.06.24, 21:24

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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