
Bad weather is coming: heavy rain with hail hit Kiev and the region

 • 69101 переглядiв

Heavy rain and hail covered the streets of Kiev and the Kiev region.

In the Kiev region, bad weather is raging-the capital and the region were covered by a downpour with hail, reports UNN

A powerful downpour is raging in particular in the suburbs of the capital. 

The network publishes the first videos of bad weather. 

In Kyiv, it started raining and hail fell in some areas. In particular, in the Vynohradar neighborhood.

People are encouraged to stock up on umbrellas. 

Earlier, the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reportedthat in most regions of Ukraine today, short - term rains, thunderstorms, hail and squalls are expected, the air temperature at night will be from 12-17°C, during the day-up to 22-33°C of heat. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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