
Auditors reported that they are inspecting the Tuzly Estuaries National Park - the result is expected in August

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The auditors are checking the financial and economic activities of the Tuzly Estuaries National Park from January 2020 to May 2024, and the audit is expected to be completed in August 2024.

The Southern Office of the State Audit Service is conducting an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Tuzly Estuaries National Park. The estimated completion date of the audit is August this year. This was reported by the Southern Office of the State Audit Service in response to a request from UNN.


The order to conduct the audit was issued on April 23, 2024. The auditors are checking the financial and economic activities of the National Park for the period from January 01, 2020 to May 31, 2024.

Based on the directions issued by the Head of the Southern Office of the State Audit Service, Oleksandr Stavniychuk, the audit team started the above control measure on June 18 this year.  As of today, the above-mentioned audit is ongoing, with an estimated completion date of August 2024. Upon completion of the audit, the Office will consider the possibility of providing information on its results in the absence of legal restrictions

reported the Southern Office of the State Audit Service.

Upon completion of the audit, the Office will consider the possibility of providing information on its results in the absence of legislative restrictions," the Southern Office of the State Audit Service said.

As a reminder,  mass poaching was discovered in the Tuzly Estuaries National Park .

Earlier, UNN reportedthat the Tuzly Estuaries National Park in Odesa Oblast has an annual budget of 5,565,380 hryvnias, of which 97% is spent on salaries for 45 employees. This is a very impressive number of staff for a national park during the war. However, according to law enforcement officials, they are unable to restore order there.

For comparison, the budget of Tuzly Estuaries is 300 drones, which are badly needed by the military on the front line and will be funded by people. If we assume that each national park has such budgets, and there are more than 50 of them, then limiting their funding and freeing up budgetary funds would be enough for 15,000 drones.

У Міндовкілля направили листи з вимогою звільнити керівництво нацпарку "Тузлівські лимани" - через браконьєрство та марнотратство28.06.24, 18:03

Lilia Podolyak



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