
Anti-corruption officer on the results of checking fortifications in the Kiev region: in recent months, more were built than in the previous two years

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In the Kiev region, the construction of fortifications is actively underway at an accelerated pace, and over the past three months, contractors have built more fortifications than the military built in the previous two years.

Work on the construction of fortifications in the Kiev region is underway at an active pace. This was announced by the chairman of the NGO "Anti-Corruption headquarters", a member of the Working Group "transparency and accountability" under the CRMA Sergey Mitkalik following the results of an inspection visit of the regional authorities and members of the public to the facility, UNN

"Fortifications in the Kiev region are being actively developed. ( ... ) Share your impressions a little.

So, work on the arrangement is actively underway. The border looks much better equipped than it did 3 months ago. In my opinion, the number of fortifications equipped by contractors commissioned by the RMA over the past three months is several times higher than what the military built in 2 years. This, of course, may be due to the peculiarities of the Chernobyl zone and the places where we managed to visit. Almost every facility employs ordinary builders who previously built schools, hospitals and residential buildings, but now they have switched to fortifications, so now the military is doing their job, and contractors are doing their own. This was also noticeable during the announcement of the air alert. It looks like such a system optimizes and accelerates the pace of construction of fortifications," Mitkalik wrote on his Facebook page.

Now members of the public are checking contractors and estimates, as well as the cost of materials. At the same time, according to a member of the Working Group, after a visit to the fortifications - "the only conclusion: the Kiev region can sleep peacefully – the border is well equipped.

Київщина нарощує темпи будівництва фортифікацій: Кравченко показав відео укріплень 29.05.24, 12:49


The head of the Kyiv regional administration Ruslan Kravchenko and members of the Working Group "transparency and accountability", agreed to partially open (in compliance with security requirements) information about contractors and financial costs for the arrangement in order to ensure public control. 

Lilia Podolyak



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