
An elderly woman who had been transported to the hospital for a long time on a road broken by agricultural companies died

 • 162041 переглядiв

An elderly woman died of a stroke in hospital due to ambulance delays caused by the poor condition of roads destroyed by two agricultural companies.

An elderly woman died of a stroke in a hospital because of the road destroyed by two agricultural firms. The ambulance simply could not reach the medical facility faster because of the pits and potholes. The details of the tragic situation that occurred in Chernihiv region were told to UNN by an ambulance doctor Lyudmyla. 

According to her, an elderly woman with a hemorrhagic stroke was being transported from the village of Kholmy to a hospital in Nizhyn. There are certain protocols for transporting patients of varying severity to medical facilities.

Due to the poor road conditions, the ambulance was traveling slower than necessary. The woman was brought to the hospital alive. However, as the doctor recalls, she died three or four days later.

At the same time, the doctor noted that if the road had been normal and the grandmother had been delivered on time, she might have survived.


Local residents complain about the condition of the road between Berestovets and Komarivka.

They accuse Kernel and Ukrainian Dairy Company of making this road impossible to drive on.

People claim that the tractors and large trucks of the farms of these companies located nearby have completely destroyed this road.

Lilia Podolyak



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