
An 18-year-old schoolboy, a resident of Omsk, is detained in Russia on suspicion of “high treason”

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A student of the 11th grade at a school in Omsk was detained by Russian security forces on suspicion of treason - the investigation believes the boy to be an administrator of “Ukrainian telegram channels.

Written by UNN with reference to Mediazona.

An 11th-grade student at a school in Omsk, Russia, was arrested by the FSB in a case of “high treason.” The 18-year-old boy is accused of involvement in “pro-Ukrainian telegram channels.

According to the prosecution of the aggressor country, the detained resident of Omsk administered “Ukrainian telegram channels that promoted the activities of terrorist organizations” and “called for the commission of violent acts” against the so-called “patriotic citizens” of Russia.

They also found “facts of transferring funds” to the bank accounts of the defenders of Ukraine, which was revealed during the search.

Regional media published a video of a young man's detention: the young man was riding a bicycle, and suddenly several FSB officers threw him onto the sidewalk.

“Who are you?” - the schoolboy shouts, but the security forces twist his arms behind his back.


The Center for National Resistance reported the use of child labor by the invaders.

На ТОТ Херсонщини окупанти засудили місцевого жителя за "участь у кримськотатарському батальйоні"17.10.24, 17:46


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