
Almost a million-hryvnias scheme was pulled off at the restoration of the Kyiv fortress, police have already made two suspicions

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The director of the Kyiv Fortress Museum and the contractor were suspected of a scheme involving almost UAH 900,000 in restoration work at the Kyiv Fortress.

A contractor has been suspected in a nearly million-hryvnias embezzlement scheme at the restoration of the Kyiv Fortress museum, the Kyiv National Police reported, UNN reports.


Law enforcement officers reported exposing a scheme to embezzle funds for the restoration of the National Historical and Architectural Museum "Kyiv Fortress". 

Earlier, law enforcement officers served a notice of suspicion to the museum's director, who allegedly "entered into an agreement with a contractor to carry out restoration work on one of the fortress towers at inflated prices.

"Investigators have now exposed the director of the contractor organization, who... reflected in the acceptance certificates the overstated cost of construction materials, which caused the National Museum to suffer losses of almost 900 thousand hryvnias," the police said.

The police reportedly notified the defendant of suspicion under Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - misappropriation of property through abuse of office, if committed in a particularly large scale. The sanction of this article provides for up to 12 years in prison with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years and confiscation of property.

У Києві розслідують розкрадання держкоштів на ремонті Дегтярівського мосту 01.03.24, 20:50

Julia Shramko



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