
Air quality has deteriorated in Kyiv: it is advised to close windows and not to stay outside

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In Kyiv, a temporary deterioration of the air condition is recorded in the morning, it is recommended to refrain from airing the room and limit prolonged stay outside, KCSA reported on Monday, UNN writes.

As of 08:00 on September 23, the level of air pollution in Kyiv is high. The radiation background in the whole city is normal

- reported the Department of Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation of KCSA.

As noted, there is an increase in the concentration of suspended particles (dust).

Київ зранку опинився у топ-10 міст світу з найбруднішим повітрям - QIAir23.09.24, 08:48

"The likely cause of the temporary deterioration in air quality is fires in the ecosystem of Kyiv region," the KCSA said.

As noted, it is recommended to improve the air situation:

  • close the windows;
  • limit the time spent outside;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • If you have an air purifier, turn it on to maximum.


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