
Air pollution in Kyiv: the Ministry of Environment told about the causes and what to do

 • 11968 переглядiв

The probable cause of the temporary deterioration in air quality in the capital is forest fires in the Dubechansky, Novosilkovsky, and Fenevytsky forestries of Kyiv region, as well as seasonal temperature changes. This was stated by the press service of the Ministry of Environment on Friday. The ministry urged, in particular, to drink more water and turn on air purifiers to the maximum, UNN reports

A temporary deterioration in air quality is being recorded in Kyiv. The likely reason for this is forest fires in the Kyiv region and seasonal temperature changes.  According to the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”, localization and elimination of fires in Dubechansky, Novosilkovsky and Fenevytsky forestries in Kyiv region continues

- , the Ministry of Environment said in a statement on Facebook.

Не видно іншого берега столиці: як виглядає Київ, який накрило димом від пожеж в екосистемі20.09.24, 09:53

The agency said that in most cases, forest fires are caused by careless handling of fire: abandoned cigarette butts or matches, making fires and using them carelessly, working in forest areas (garbage disposal, construction), and burning grass on forest edges.

In addition, every year in the fall, there is an increase in air pollution, as temperature differences between day and night cause temperature inversions, which in turn cause the accumulation of harmful substances in the surface air layer, the Ministry of Environment added.

Warm air and humidity lead to fog, and harmful substances from various emission sources are hardly dissipated.

The Ministry of Environment recommends improving the situation and protecting health:

  • close the windows;
  • minimize time spent outside;
  • drink more water;
  • If you have an air purifier, turn it on to maximum.

The state of the air and radiation background can be monitored in real time on the web resource of the Ministry of Environment “Eco threat”. 

Київ очолив світовий рейтинг по забрудненості повітря - IQAir20.09.24, 09:38

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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