
After the West's reaction: the Russian government removed from its website the document on changing maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland

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Amid the reaction of the Baltic states, Russia removed a draft document that proposed to unilaterally change its maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.

The Russian government has decided to remove from the portal of draft regulatory legal acts a document from the Russian Ministry of Defense that proposed to change Russia's borders in the Baltic Sea. This was reported by UNN .


Now the project page says it has been removed. However, a copy of the document remains on the web page archiving service at link.

росія хоче в односторонньому порядку змінити морські кордони з Литвою і Фінляндією - росЗМІ21.05.24, 21:40

The document proposed to adjust the coordinates of the border in the area of several islands in the Gulf of Finland and near the northern entrance cape of the Narva River. On the border with Lithuania, the areas of the Curonian and Baltic spits, as well as the Cape Taran region, were subject to revision.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, such a change in the border in the area of Baltiysk, Zelenograd and in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland was supposed to allow the use of the relevant waters as Russian internal sea waters.


Against the backdrop of allegations of Russia's plans to change maritime borders in the Baltic Sea, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland are closely monitoring Moscow's actions and are waiting for explanations from its diplomats.


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