
After France's statements, the Netherlands did not rule out the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine

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The Netherlands does not rule out sending troops to Ukraine as part of NATO or an international coalition, Dutch Army Commander Onno Eichelsheim said.

The commander of the Dutch troops, Onno Eichelsheim, said that it was not yet time to talk about the possibility of the Netherlands sending troops to Ukraine, but indicated that all options should remain open. This was reported by NL Times, according to UNN.

I think we should keep all options open to see how best to support Ukraine,

- Eichelsheim is quoted by the Dutch edition.


Eischelheim suggested that the Dutch military could come to Ukraine as part of NATO, or an alliance of 10-15 countries. However, there are now other ways to help Ukraine, including providing armed assistance, the official said.

There are other options besides thinking about sending in the military in NATO uniforms,

- He says.


On February 26, French President Emmanuel Macron suggested the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine. "At the moment, there is no agreement on an official, authorized deployment of ground troops. But in the future, nothing should be ruled out."

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified on Tuesday that the French military will not take part in the fighting, but could help with demining, cyber defense, and weapons production.

"No soldiers on Ukrainian soil": Scholz rejects Macron's comments on the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine2/27/24, 2:39 PM

Olga Rozgon



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