
Adapted to new realities, resumed uninterrupted production: how a company that was one of the first established since independence works in Brovary (video)

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The full-scale Russian aggression has become a serious test for Ukrainian business. Many production facilities were destroyed as a result of enemy strikes, and many companies were forced to relocate from the temporarily occupied territories and war zones. Businesses in the relatively calm areas had to adapt to the new realities of their operations. They have done so, not least through cooperation with local authorities. One of them is the German-Ukrainian research and production company Brofarma. Journalists of UNN found out how this company survived the first months of the war and managed to restore uninterrupted production.


Brovapharma was established in 1992, so it can be safely called one of the pioneers of the domestic industry created during the independence of our country. The company is one of the largest producers of veterinary drugs in Ukraine - it produces more than 160 products

This particular company operates an automated line for filling drugs into PVC ampoules, which is unique in Ukraine.

The entire production cycle was maintained even though the Russian occupiers were on the outskirts of Brovary in February.

"There were active hostilities just three to five kilometers away from us. Of course, at first, like everyone else, people were in a kind of shock. Many people left, many were confused. Over time, we adapted. We ensured uninterrupted work," says Andrey Sidelnikov, the head of the company.

The Company has managed to maintain its export capacities - Brovapharma supplies its products to the countries of the near and far abroad: Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Stable operation of the enterprise means jobs, regular payment of taxes to the state and, most importantly, the local budget. According to Andriy Sydelnikov, the mayor of Brovary, Ihor Sapozhko, is constantly interested in the situation at the enterprise. In turn, the company understands its responsibility to the community.

Our mayor periodically gathers the heads of the largest enterprises, the largest taxpayers to the local budget, to discuss certain issues that arise at a particular enterprise. He is fully aware of the role of business. Businesses feel comfortable working in the community, and accordingly, they try to develop and increase their business activity in the community. The community receives taxes to the local budget from the payroll

- said the head of Brovapharm. 


The staff of Brovapharma employs doctors and candidates of sciences, has established constant cooperation with leading research and educational institutions of Ukraine and other countries, publishes textbooks and teaching aids, defended about 70 dissertations, published more than 700 scientific papers, and registered 52 patents.

The company regularly participates in international exhibitions and has received numerous awards for product quality, including the Golden Fortune, Higher Grade, Symbol of Professionalism, and Best Domestic Product awards.

Own business: why Ukrainian women have become more likely to register as sole proprietors, what areas of activity they choose, and how local authorities help05.08.24, 16:58 • [views_236464]


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