
Activists pour soup on Van Gogh's paintings in London gallery

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Three activists of the Just Stop Oil group protested in the London National Gallery by pouring tomato soup on two paintings by Vincent Van Gogh “Sunflowers”. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


This action took place just a few hours after two other members of the same group were sentenced to prison for a similar action in 2022.

The activists targeted Sunflowers, which belongs to a London gallery, and another painting from the series that was loaned to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for a temporary exhibition. The action is part of a campaign to draw attention to climate change and call on governments to stop new oil and gas projects.

So far, both paintings have not been seriously damaged, as they were protected by glass.

У Німеччині екоактивісти облили картопляним пюре картину Моне23.10.22, 18:42 • [views_296910]

Julia Kotwicka



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