
About 70% of area for sowing is covered by drought - Ukrhydrometcenter

 • 13778 переглядiв

Currently, about 70% of the area for sowing is covered by drought. This was reported by Natalia Ptukha, a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine, UNN reports.

Now, according to our agrometeorologists, about 70% of the sowing area is covered by drought. Even the one-meter layer is completely dry. This mainly concerns the southeast of Ukraine. And this affects the sowing season, which is now starting - it is starting rather slowly. But we still hope that there is still a chance that this will not cause severe damage, for example, to next year's harvest

- Ptukha noted.

Посуха не вплинула глобально на врожай та ціни на основні споживчі продукти - Мінагрополітики13.09.24, 17:11


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