
A pod of killer whales stuck in drifting ice off the coast of Japan may have escaped

 • 19049 переглядiв

A pod of 13 killer whales trapped under drifting ice off the coast of Japan may have been able to escape after the dense ice floes broke apart.

The day before, the entire area off the coast of Rausu, in eastern Hokkaido, was covered with white drifting ice, which surrounded a pod of killer whales, preventing them from moving. But already on February 7, according to Japanese broadcasting, the orcas were no longer seen - local residents conclude that the orcas managed to escape the trap, UNN reports.


On February 6, a private company conducting research on sea lions and other animals discovered a group of more than 10 killer whales trapped in drifting ice in the east of the Japanese island of Hokkaido, off the coast of Rausu.

The animals were jumping up and down in a tiny crevice surrounded by drifting ice about a kilometer from the shore. After analyzing footage taken by a group of conservationists, local environmentalists counted 13 killer whales in the trap.

However, on February 7, the orca pod was no longer seen. According to local ecologists, the group of animals managed to escape because the dense ice floes had loosened.

We don't know for sure, but the orca may have escaped last night

- local observers say.


[UNN reported that a pod of killer whales was trapped under the sea ice off the coast of Japan - the day before, Japanese environmentalists suggested that the animals could only waitfor the ice to break so they could move on, as the Japanese municipality could not help them.

Літо на Південному полюсі: українські полярники показали, як виглядають зелені схили Антарктики31.01.24, 01:02


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