
A draft law is being prepared to introduce mobilization of Ukrainian men abroad

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A draft Ukrainian law obliges all men, including those abroad, to re-register for military service; failure to do so could result in consular and banking restrictions. The draft law is expected to be considered by parliament in January 2024.

A bill is currently being drafted that would oblige all Ukrainian men in Ukraine or abroad to re-register for military service. Those who are subject to mobilization will be sent summonses even abroad. About this on Radio Liberty was reported by Vadym Ivanovych, MP, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Vadym Ivchenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, reports UNN.

Ukrainians abroad will have to go through the same procedures as Ukrainians here in Ukraine. That is, they will have to be identified. If you pass and you are on the list of those who are subject to mobilization, you will of course receive a call-up. This is a normal process. And then it's your choice. Either you go back, or you stay there and it will be a violation of the Law of Ukraine. (...) This is a comprehensive bill being developed by MPs and the Ministry of Defense - a whole team. And the whole team of the General Staff

- Vadym Ivchenko said.


According to Ivchenko, "a kind of military registration" is being developed. According to it, all men must undergo re-identification at the TCC and and receive a corresponding military registration card, which will indicate whether a person is subject to mobilization or not. a person is subject to mobilization or not.

Whether it's an MP, an official, or any other armored person. If a person is abroad, he or she must also undergo this identification. If they fail, there will be consequences

- The MP explained.

One of the consequences may be, for example, that a Ukrainian who who has not registered for military service will not be provided with consular services. Also banks will request new identification, which must include a military registration certificate. registration certificate. In case of failure to provide the necessary documents, a person who is physically abroad may even have their bank cards disconnected.

Ivchenko thinks that in January 2024, this bill will be will be presented to the entire Ukrainian parliament for discussion.

READ ALSO: Zelenskyy: Military proposed to mobilize 450-500 thousand people.

Anna Onishchenko



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