
5 drones shot down in Dnipropetrovs'k region, there are wounded and destruction

 • 54908 переглядiв

5 Russian drones were shot down in the Dnipropetrovs'k region, causing injuries, destruction of infrastructure and residential buildings, and a fire.

On the night of May 4, 5 Russian drones were shot down in Pavlohrad district of Dnipropetrovs'k region, there are wounded and destruction. This was reported by the head of the regional military administration Serhiy Lysak, UNN reports.


Two people were wounded, both in hospital, in moderate condition.

A critical infrastructure facility and three houses were damaged. A fire broke out and was extinguished.

There were also five attacks on Nikopol district in the evening and at night. A utility company, a lyceum, two high-rise buildings, a bank, and a power line were damaged. Critical infrastructure facilities were damaged.

No one was killed or wounded.

The morning in Nikopol district began with shelling. The occupants hit the Myrovska community. An agricultural company caught fire. Information is being clarified.

Загарбники сьогодні понад 10 разів обстрілювали Дніпропетровщину, є поранений у Нікопольській громаді03.05.24, 19:05


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