
2 out of 4 Shahed drones launched by the enemy at night destroyed in Kharkiv region

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The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the destruction of two Shahed drones launched by Russian troops on the night of February 1 in Kharkiv region.

On the night of February 1, defense forces destroyed two Shahed-type attack drones in Kharkiv region out of four launched by Russian troops, the Ukrainian Air Force reported on Thursday, UNN reported.


"Last night the enemy used four successful Shahed-136/131 UAVs. Two were destroyed in Kharkiv region!" - the Ukrainian Air Force reported on social media.

Армія рф атакувала лікарню на Харківщині: рятувальники повідомили про 4 потерпілих та показали наслідки удару01.02.24, 00:43


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