
Why do the occupiers pray in Ukrainian in front of drones? The spokesman for the Khortytsia unit said

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Russian occupiers at the front pray in Ukrainian in front of drones to be captured, as they have no way back and face death or being sent to storm Ukrainian positions if they return.

Russian occupants at the front pray in Ukrainian in front of drones only to be captured. Nazar Voloshyn, a spokesman for the Khortytsia military unit, said this on the air of We-Ukraine TV channel, UNN reports.

According to him, the occupiers have no choice but to be captured.

Найжорстокіші бої відбуваються на Покровському напрямку – Волошин10.06.24, 12:37

"Different units are represented on the territory of Ukraine. And they are captured, of course, and there are many videos, everyone has seen it and knows that they even raise a sign in front of our drones and read a Ukrainian prayer just to be captured. Because they have no way back. If they return, they will either be killed or sent back to storm the next Ukrainian landings," said the spokesman for the Khortytsia unit.

Сили оборони також і штурмують позиції противника, і відбивають його оборонні рубежі та вогневі точки - Волошин17.06.24, 15:38

Antonina Tumanova



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