
Weather in Ukraine on December 3: where will it be warmest and is it worth waiting for precipitation

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The weather in Ukraine on December 3 promises to be cloudy, but with clearings. In most regions of the country, precipitation is not expected, and the air temperature will remain quite moderate for this period of the year. This is reported by Ukrhydrometcenter, reports UNN.


Therefore, the average daily temperature in Ukraine will range from 0 to +3°C.

In the capital region, in particular in Kiev, the temperature is expected to be in the range of 0..+2°C, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation. In the western regions, in particular in Lviv, the temperature will be slightly higher – +3..+5°C, also no rain or snow. In the eastern regions, such as Kharkiv and Donetsk, the temperature will fluctuate between 0 and +2°C, and in Lugansk there will be a similar temperature with cloudy skies and no precipitation.

In the south of the country, in Odessa and Simferopol, the temperature will be comfortable – from +4 to +7°C, with periodic clearings, but without rain. In Melitopol, Bakhmut and other cities in the south and east of Ukraine, cloudy weather is also forecast with clearings and temperatures in the range of +2..+4°C.

Thus, the weather on December 3 will be favorable for planning outdoor activities, although you should be prepared for moderate cold weather, especially at night.

Погода в Україні 2 грудня: хмарно, без опадів, температура коливатиметься від 0 до +6°C02.12.24, 08:01


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