
VR plans to consider draft law on peculiarities of appointment of judges during martial law

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The Verkhovna Rada plans to consider a draft law that would allow the President to return the submission for the appointment of judges to the High Council of Justice for reconsideration during martial law and a year afterwards if there is information about actions that threaten national security.

The Verkhovna Rada plans to consider in the first reading a draft law on the peculiarities of appointment of judges under martial law at one of its next meetings. UNN reports this with reference to the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada meeting.eports this

The purpose of draft law No. 9439 is to properly vet persons who apply to be appointed as judges and whose appointment is submitted by the High Council of Justice to the President of Ukraine, for actions that may threaten the national security of Ukraine or harm national interests in the context of martial law and the one-year post-war period.

The draft law proposes to amend Section XII "Final and Transitional Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and Status of Judges" and Section III "Final and Transitional Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On the High Council of Justice".

In particular, to provide that temporarily, during the term of martial law and within one year from the date of its termination or cancellation, the President of Ukraine may return the motion to appoint a judge to the High Council of Justice for reconsideration if the Security Service of Ukraine or the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine receive information about the person against whom the motion is made that indicates that such person has committed actions that may threaten the national security of Ukraine or harm national interests.

In such a case, the HCJ reconsiders the issue of submitting a motion to the President of Ukraine to appoint a person to the position of a judge.


On May 2, 2024, the Committee on Legal Policy recommended that the Verkhovna Rada adopt as a basis a draft law on the peculiarities of appointment of judges under martial law.

Рада розгляне питання підвищення зарплати держслужбовцям апаратів окремих судів08.05.24, 12:41


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