
Vereshchuk wants to restrict parties during the war

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Iryna Vereshchuk, Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, called on the owners of entertainment venues and local authorities to restrict provocative parties in wartime after the scandal over "naked parties" in the Zakarpattia region. She believes that certain things should not be allowed when some people are fighting at the front and others should show solidarity.

The Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereshchuk, appealed to the heads of entertainment establishments and local authorities amid a scandal over the next "naked parties" in the Transcarpathian region. She reported this on her social networks, UNN reports.


These things have to be stopped somehow. I do not believe that the heads of institutions have no other way to make money than to allow dubiously provocative events to take place. I don't believe that local authorities can do anything to prevent such things from happening

said the Vice Prime Minister

She added that she understands that institutions have to work somehow, and people need to rest somewhere. However, according to Vereshchuk, certain things cannot be done during the war.

You just can't, that's all. I am not talking about the law here, but about some kind of human solidarity

said the head of the Ministry of Reintegration.

According to Vereshchuk, "it shouldn't be that within the same society, some people go on assaults, while others dance naked. And they also brag on social media about who is morally lower.

There should be limits for the time of war. I am addressing the heads of institutions and local authorities

said the Vice Prime Minister.


Videos from a concert held at a hotel in the Dragobrat ski resort in Zakarpattia region have been posted online. The musicians performed in revealing costumes and used foul language.

"Визнаю цю ситуацію ганебною": шоумен Ткач відреагував на інформацію про те, що був ведучим на весіллі фігуранта справи про "п'яні вечірки"22.10.23, 16:43 • [views_616635]

Lilia Podolyak



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