
Unidentified persons open fire near the Palace of Justice in Istanbul, wounded

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Two unknown gunmen opened fire near the Palace of Justice in Istanbul, wounding six people, including three police officers and three civilians.

On the morning of February 6, two unidentified men and women opened fire on a city court building in Istanbul. The attackers were neutralized, and six people were injured. The attack is being classified as a terrorist attack. This was reported by Turkish Interior Minister Ali Erlikaya on the social network X, UNN reports .

Today, an attempted terrorist attack was carried out in front of the checkpoint in front of Gate C of the city court building in the Caglayan district. The neutralized traitors were identified as members of the DHKP/C terrorist organization,

- the minister said.


He also noted that 6 people were injured, including three police officers and three civilians, when neutralizing the terrorists who opened fire on the court building. The attack took place at 11.46 a.m. local time.


On Sunday, January 28, in Istanbul, during a service in the Santa Maria Church, two unknown opened fire on people. One person was killed.

"Ісламська держава" взяла на себе відповідальність за теракт під час меморіалу генералу Сулеймані: керівники Ірану пообіцяли помститися05.01.24, 14:33


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