
Ukrainian woman tried to import smartphones worth over a million hryvnias from Poland

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A resident of Lviv region tried to import 200 undeclared smartphones worth UAH 1.25 million from Poland to Ukraine.

A resident of the Lviv region tried to smuggle 200 undeclared smartphones worth UAH 1.25 million into Ukraine from Poland. This was reported by the State Customs Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


It is noted that on May 3, at the Uhryniv-Dolhobychuv checkpoint, an undeclared cargo of smartphones was found during an inspection in a Ford Transit minibus arriving from Poland.

Customs officers add that the driver, a 25-year-old resident of Lviv region, chose the "green corridor" for customs control. However, during the inspection of the car, customs officers found 200 XIAOMI mobile phones (REDMI model) in the luggage compartment. The estimated value of the goods is UAH 1 million 250 thousand.

A report on violation of customs regulations was drawn up in accordance with Part 2 of Article 471 of the Customs Code (failure to declare goods transported across the customs border by citizens). The goods were temporarily seized.


The Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis a draft law aimed at bringing Ukraine's customs legislation in line with the practice of the European Union by introducing such concepts as customs representation, permits for certain customs regimes, and provisions on the movement and temporary storage of goods under customs control.

Інспекторку Львівської митниці звільнили з роботи після відео у соцмережах, де вона хизувалась дорогим вбранням - Суспільне 12.04.24, 22:33


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