
Ukrainian experts showed the Wall Street Journal journalist Western Microelectronics in Russian weapons (video)

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As noted in the WSJ article, despite Western sanctions, Russia continues to import important foreign components for its weapons used against Ukraine.

Various types of weapons used by the enemy to attack Ukraine on a daily basis use components of imported microelectronics that were manufactured outside the aggressor country. To make sure of this, The Wall Street Journal journalist talked with specialists of the Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations, writes UNN.

As noted in the WSJ article, despite Western sanctions, Russia continues to import important foreign components for its weapons used against Ukraine.

In particular, according to the British defense and security think tank, 70% of foreign-made components found in 27 Russian weapons systems and military equipment that were used in the first four months of the war were manufactured by American companies.

According to KRIFE experts, in particular, we are talking about Microelectronics components of Altera and Analog Devices.

"These little chips are American. All element base, all foreign production. Cameras-Japan, Iran, China. Ireland even meets, " says the KRIFE expert.

At the same time, experts note that the analysis of fragments of enemy weapons gives grounds to say that the Russian military industry, in fact, works "from the wheels", and the Russian Federation does not have large reserves of weapons.


Kristina Kimachuk, a field researcher at the British organization Conflict Armament Research, said in an exclusive comment to UNN that the conclusions of KRIFE experts play an important role in strengthening export controls and the sanctions regime against the Russian Federation.

"The information that we are preparing is extremely important for the effective implementation of sanctions and the implementation of export control measures. Indeed, it is difficult to stop the supply of components if you do not know exactly what components are used, who buys them and transfers them, and how they end up in Russian, Iranian or North Korean weapons systems. Ukrainian institutions that carry out forensic, technical and scientific research, including the Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, do an incredible job in extremely difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions. Their work is invaluable," Kimachuk said.

Майже 300 компонентів мікроелектроніки іноземного виробництва фахівці КНДІСЕ виявили у північнокорейських ракетах - Олександр Рувін20.05.24, 10:13

Lilia Podolyak



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