
Ukraine's Ambassador to Brazil's wife falls ill with Dengue fever

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The wife of Ukraine's ambassador to Brazil and an embassy employee with his wife fell ill with Dengue fever, a dangerous disease. Brazil is currently experiencing the largest Dengue epidemic in the country's history, with hospitals overcrowded.

The wife of Ukraine's ambassador to Brazil, Andriy Melnyk, has fallen ill with Dengue fever. An embassy employee and his wife also contracted this dangerous disease. Svitlana Melnyk reported this on Facebook, according to UNN.

I have dengue! Brazil is a country full of dangers. If not a poisonous spider, then a Dengue mosquito will bite. Yesterday I was baking Easter cakes. And today I found myself in an ambulance with a temperature of 40. I felt terrible, like my whole body was turning inside out, my head was splitting. They just put me on an intravenous drip and took a blood test. And - unfortunately - they confirmed the diagnosis,

- Svitlana Melnyk wrote.


She noted that it is a "terrible" disease. Melnyk also said that last week a diplomat from the German embassy died of Dengue.

One of our colleagues from the diplomatic mission was also struck down by Dengue yesterday, along with his wife. Brazil is currently experiencing the largest Dengue epidemic in history. Hospitals are overcrowded. We pray that there will be no complications,

- she noted.


The incidence of dengue fever is growing rapidly around the world, which is a cause for concern for the WHO. Climate change is exacerbating this threat.

Olga Rozgon



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