
Ukraine plans to establish the process of training in the field of cybersecurity

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved an action plan for 2023-2024 to implement the cybersecurity strategy

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved an action plan for the further implementation of Ukraine's cybersecurity strategy, which provides for the establishment of a cybersecurity training process, the State Special Communications Service reported, UNN reports.


Today, the government has adopted a decree "On Approval of the Action Plan for 2023-2024 for the Implementation of the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine". The document defines the tasks and measures aimed at achieving the goals of the strategy, as well as sets indicators and deadlines for their implementation.

According to the agency, the key areas of work under the plan will be:

  • regulatory and legal support for activities in the areas of cybersecurity, cyber defense and cyber defense;
  • development of the technological component of the national cybersecurity system;
  • establishing closer cooperation with international partners;
  • development of an organizational and technical model of cyber defense;
  • organization of scientific research in the field of cybersecurity;
  • strengthening cyber defense of critical information infrastructure facilities;
  • establishing the process of training in the field of cybersecurity.

According to this order, the government agencies involved in the implementation of the plan must submit information on the progress of the plan by June 15 and December 15, 2024, to inform the NSDC and the government.

Антикорупційний та економічний ефект від цифровізації становив 34 млрд гривень - Шмигаль19.12.23, 15:30

Julia Shramko



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