
Ukraine has completed the implementation of two Ukraine Facility indicators in the areas of energy and human capital

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the Strategy for Demographic Development until 2040 and agreed on the terms of reference for the development of the NEURC information system, which is part of the implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan. UNN reports with reference to the Ministry of Economy.

Two more important indicators of Ukraine's plan under the Ukraine Facility were adopted this week. They are aimed at improving the situation in the country's priority sectors: energy and human capital

- said Oleksiy Sobolev, First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

Ukraine's Demographic Strategy for the period up to 2040 envisages specific measures to address key human capital issues, such as:

  • improving birth rates;
  • reducing premature mortality;
  • overcoming negative migration trends, in particular through the return of Ukrainians from abroad;
  • activating the maximum number of able-bodied citizens in the labor market;
  • promoting active longevity;
  • creating infrastructure and security conditions to improve the demographic situation.

The terms of reference for the creation of an information system that will support the work of the regulator (NEURC) have also been agreed. This system will allow integration with market operators, insider information platforms and data transmission administrators, which will help identify cases of market abuse. 

The terms of reference are part of an indicator related to the implementation of the REMIT regulation - European rules to prevent manipulation in wholesale energy markets. 


Ukraine has already fulfilled five indicators of the Ukraine Facility Plan out of nine that were due this quarter - three more indicators were fulfilled thanks to the vote of the Verkhovna Rada.

Уряд затвердив стратегію демографічного розвитку: передбачає, що до 2051 року населення може скоротитися до 25 мільйонів02.10.24, 13:37

Iryna Kolesnik



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