
Ukraine has caught up with Russia in the number of kamikaze drones in six months - Fedorov

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According to Deputy Prime Minister of Digital Transformation Fedorov, Ukraine has caught up with Russia in terms of the number of long-range kamikaze drones produced in six months.

In six months, Ukraine has caught up with Russia in terms of the number of long-range kamikaze drones. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science and Technology - Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov in the Elephant podcast, UNN reports .


Fedorov said that the production of long-range drones is limited only by funding. But production continues to scale.

Thousands of these drones can be produced. Thousands have already been produced, and almost every day something burns in Russia. And this can be scaled up... In six months, we have caught up in terms of the number (of drones) russia should understand that we will continue to scale up, and we have just started,

- Fedorov said.

In addition, Fedorov announced the arrival of an improved version of the Magura marine drone.

This year there will be a certain technological leap in this direction and there will be even more marine drones. We can't show you, but there is a boat that is a certain platform and that is being prepared for new applications with new surprises,

- Fedorov said.

He also noted that the Sea baby product (marine drones) is super-technological and is also actively developing.


The Wall Street Journal reported that over the past year, Ukraine has moved to producing its own attack drones at about 200 factories across the country. In six months, drone production has increased 10-fold.


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