
Ukraine counts on Poland's help in supplying power equipment - Shmyhal

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Ukraine is seeking Poland's help in providing equipment such as generators, boilers, and turbines to strengthen its energy system against Russian attacks.

Ukraine is counting on Poland's assistance in supplying the equipment necessary for the energy system. This was stated by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal during a meeting with a delegation of the Polish Senate led by Marshal Malgorzata Kidawa-Blonska today, May 24, UNN reports .


According to Shmyhal, during the talks with the Polish  delegation, they focused on the situation in the energy sector.

We are counting on Poland's assistance in supplying the necessary equipment, including generators, modular boilers and gas turbines. We intend to decentralize the Ukrainian energy system to make it less vulnerable to the enemy

- the Prime Minister said.

According to him, the parties also talked about military support, European and Euro-Atlantic integration, sanctions against the aggressor, confiscation of Russian assets, and development of border infrastructure

У ВР заявили, що між Україною та Польщею розпочалися переговори щодо тексту угоди про гарантії безпеки24.05.24, 14:32


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