
Ukraine and Lithuania sign an agreement on technical, financial and defense cooperation

 • 24451 переглядiв

Ukraine and Latvia signed a cooperation agreement in Riga that provides for technical and financial assistance for Ukraine's recovery, including a budget of EUR 5 million from Latvia. A defense memorandum was also agreed upon.

In Riga, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Latvia signed an agreement on technical and financial cooperation. The documents were signed in the presence of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Latvia Eika Silini. This was reported by  the official representative office of the Ukrainian head of state, UNN reports.


It is noted that the conclusion  of this Agreement will create an organizational and legal framework for Ukrainian-Latvian cooperation on the use of international technical assistance.

This document is intended to facilitate the implementation of assistance projects to Ukraine by Latvia. In particular, the supply of equipment and materials for reconstruction, the transfer of modern technologies to Ukraine, and the implementation of priority reforms in the field of European integration.

According to the Ukrainian ministry, the agreement concluded in Riga will strengthen the involvement of the Republic of Latvia in the process of rebuilding Ukraine. It is expected that EUR 5 million will be allocated for this purpose in the draft state budget of Latvia for 2024.

*  EUR 2 million will be used through the Ministry of Economy of Latvia to purchase equipment and materials for reconstruction projects in Chernihiv Oblast;

* 3 million euros will be implemented through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia as part of projects to reconstruct social infrastructure in Chernihiv region.

In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed at this meeting between the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine and the Federation of Security and Defense Industry of the Republic of Latvia on cooperation in the field of defense and security. 

The memorandum aims to support cooperation in the defense and security sectors. It provides for support for the implementation of joint projects in the field of defense technology (DefenceTech), including projects for the development and manufacture of drones, electronic warfare, land and sea demining, and other defense products.

This cooperation will also cover the areas of cyber defense, communications, and integrated solutions.


On the same day, Zelenskiy and Latvian Prime Minister Silina discussed military aid, Ukraine's path to the EU/NATO, and sanctions against Russia.

Tatiana Salganik



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