
UAH 1.75 billion to the state budget from Ukrhydroenergo: the company transferred part of the dividends

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Ukrhydroenergo transferred UAH 1.75 billion in advance dividends to the state budget based on the profit forecast for 2023.

Ukrhydroenergo has transferred UAH 1.75 billion in dividends to the state budget. This was reported by UNN with a link to the company's telegram channel.


The company noted that the transferred UAH 1.75 billion is an advance payment based on the results of business activities in 2023.

The relevant order No. 163-r was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers on February 27, 2024. According to it, the company had to ensure an advance transfer to the state budget of annual dividends based on the amount of profit calculated according to the forecasted results of financial and economic activities in 2023, in the amount of at least 50% of the amount of annual dividends.

Timely payment of taxes and dividends in wartime is extremely important to support the Armed Forces and the state as a whole. Therefore, the company continues to fulfill its important social and economic mission and pays taxes and duties to the national budget in full. Thus, in 2023, Ukrhydroenergo paid UAH 8.3 billion to the state budget, including dividends.

- have demonstrated their social responsibility at Ukrhydroenergo.

Заборгованість за електроенергію зросла на 4 млрд грн за рік, не сплачують юридичні особи - "Укргідроенерго"22.02.24, 14:16


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