
Two Russian generals who commanded air strikes on Borodyanka are served suspicion notices

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Russian generals who commanded the airstrikes that killed more than 30 civilians were served with notices of suspicion of violating the laws and customs of war.

Two Russian generals who organized the bombing of high-rise buildings in Borodyanka during the battles for Kyiv have been served with a notice of suspicion. UNN reports this with reference to the Office of the Prosecutor General. 


Generals of the Russian Federation were served with a notice of suspicion  on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war (part 2 of Article 28, part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, during the large-scale invasion, military units called "Vostok" of the Russian Federation in February 2022 carried out a "blitzkrieg" to capture Kyiv from Belarus through Chornobyl, Ivankiv and Borodyanka. This was one of the routes of the Russian offensive on the capital.

It was the commander of the Eastern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces who gave the combat order to use combat aircraft against residential multi-storey buildings in the village of Borodyanka, Bucha district, Kyiv region

- the OGP said in a statement.

Another suspect, the commander of the 11th Army of the Russian Air Force and Air Defense , reportedly used soldiers of the 303rd Mixed Aviation Division of the 11th Army of the Russian Air Force and Air Defense to conduct aerial bombing strikes on residential high-rise buildings. 

За ракетні обстріли України та смерті цивільних двом російським генералам оголошено про підозру - Офіс генпрокурора01.03.24, 16:40

After that, on March 1 and 2, 2022, pilots of front-line SU-type attack bombers carried out bombing strikes with heavy 500 kg high-explosive bombs on multi-storey residential buildings with local residents in order to cause maximum destruction, the Prosecutor General's Office said. 

Following the orders of the suspects to bomb civilian multi-storey residential buildings in Borodyanka, the Russian military destroyed six apartment buildings. More than 30 civilians were killed

- stated in the UCP.

Currently, the issue of putting the suspects on the wanted list is reportedly being decided.

Катував цивільних під час окупації Херсона: російському окупанту повідомили про підозру 01.03.24, 17:25

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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