
Two drones crash into ammunition arsenal in Russia during March 8 attack - rosmedia

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Two drones crashed on the territory of an ammunition depot in the village of Kotluban in the Volgograd region of Russia during a massive attack on the night of March 8.

2 UAVs fell on the territory of an ammunition arsenal in the village of Kotluban, Volgograd region of Russia, during a massive attack on the night of March 8. This is reported by ASTRA, according to UNN

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense reported to the Russian Federation that 15 drones were shot down over the Volgograd region on the night of March 8. ASTRA found out that two of them fell on the territory of military unit 57229/51 in the village of Kotluban (formerly 92921). One drone exploded after the crash. Preliminary, there were no casualties. 

No damage is reported.   

Military unit 57229/51, according to open data, is a large arsenal for complex ammunition storage. The arsenal of the main missile artillery department of the Russian Ministry of Defense is located here.

On November 24, 2023, a drone already fell on the territory of the same military unit. On November 16, the same military unit was also attacked by a UAV, which, as reported by ASTRA, resulted in the burning of a warehouse with small arms ammunition. At that time, 630 people were evacuated from the territory of the military unit.

On the night of March 11, Russian air defense systems shot down six drones: four over the Bryansk region and two over the Orel region. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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