
Trains increase the cost of bed linen: in the compartment and reserved seat - by 60%, in the SV - twice as high

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Ukrzaliznytsia is raising the cost of bed linen on passenger trains for the first time in 5 years.

Ukrzaliznytsia for the first time in 5 years increases the cost of bed linen in passenger trains, in reserved seats and compartments - by 60%, in SV - twice, the company reported, writes UNN.

Starting from May 22, bed linen in reserved and compartment cars will cost 80 UAH (instead of 50 UAH), in SV – 120 UAH (instead of 60 UAH).

- reported in Ukrzaliznytsya.

It is noted that the cost of bed linen on passenger trains is being changed for the first time in 5 years and that "from now on, passengers will receive a better service.

So, it is reported that "before changing the cost of the service, Ukrzaliznytsia completed the replacement of bed linen on trains." "Also, by the end of June this year, the replacement of mattresses and pillows on all long - distance flights will be completed," the company noted.

At the same time, UZ pointed out that "the company receives the cost of socially important domestic railway passenger transportation at the pre-war level, and carries out regular evacuation and medical flights free of charge.

Укрзалізниця запускає оновлений сайт для купівлі квитків14.05.24, 16:13


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