
Tortured civilians during the occupation of Kherson: russian occupier was served with a notice of suspicion

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A russian special forces officer who illegally detained and tortured civilians during the occupation of the Kherson region of Ukraine was served a notice of suspicion in absentia.

The Russian occupier, who illegally detained and tortured civilians during the occupation of Kherson region, was served a notice of suspicion. the press service of the Kherson regional prosecutor's office reports UNN.


According to the investigation, from March to October 2022, the 23-year-old suspect, while in occupied Kherson, illegally imprisoned civilians in a seized temporary detention center. He treated people with particular cruelty and tortured them. 

Катував місцевих під час окупації: спецпризначенцю рф, який захоплював Кінбурнську косу оголосили підозру20.02.24, 17:10

Under the procedural supervision of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, a serviceman of the Russian National Guard was identified and served a notice of suspicion in absentia of cruel treatment of civilians (Part 2 Article 28, Part 1 Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- law enforcement officers summarized. 


It is noted that in August 2022, the suspect, together with other Russian military personnel, imprisoned a local resident in one of the detention centers.

After that, the man was repeatedly interrogated, during which he was subjected to torture, sexual violence - electric shocks and rape with foreign objects.


The SBU served suspicion notice to an FSB colonelwho tortured people and "covered" looters during the occupation of Kharkiv region. 


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