
Today is the Day of the Border Guard of Ukraine - the guardians of our country's borders were the first to engage in an unequal battle with the aggressor's troops

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Today, April 30, Ukraine celebrates Border Guard Day. The event was established in 2018 to commemorate the fact that in 1918, the Ukrainian People's Republic troops counterattacked the border of the young Ukrainian state.

Today, April 30, Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Border Guard, UNN reports.

Since independence, the date of the professional holiday of Ukrainian border guards has changed several times.

In 2018, the final date was April 30.

This is due to the fact that after the signing of the Brest Peace Treaty in 1918, the Ukrainian People's Republic was recognized as an independent state within its defined borders.

In early April of the same year, Ukrainian troops launched an offensive in the Donbas against Bolshevik Russia and the Don Republic to restore the territorial integrity of the UPR.

It was on April 30, 1918, after the capture of Kolpakove station on the border of the UPR and the Don Republic that a yellow and blue flag flew on the border of the lands as a symbol of a free and independent Ukraine.

On the morning of February 24, 2022, the units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine were among the first to take on the superior forces of the Russian aggressor.

The symbol of the first day of resistance to the enemy was the legendary phrase "Russian ship, go to..." attributed to one of the Ukrainian border guards on Zmiyiny Island.

Today, our border guards are taking part in combat operations in the most critical areas of the frontline, and are also focusing their efforts on neutralizing enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups trying to get into Ukraine.

Прикордонники вступили в бій з російською ДРГ на Сумщині 25.04.24, 10:17

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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