
Three teenagers beat a man to death in a park in Kharkiv region while filming video - police

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Three teenagers aged 15-16 have been notified of suspicion for beating a 62-year-old man to death in a park in Krasnohrad and filming it.

Investigators have served three teenagers with a notice of suspicion for the murder of a man in the Kharkiv region. This was reported by the police of the Kharkiv region, UNN reports.


In the city of Krasnohrad, the body of a man with numerous injuries was found in a local park. Law enforcement  identified the persons involved in the crime. They were three 15- and 16-year-old teenagers, residents of Krasnohrad.

Juveniles beat a 62-year-old man to death. They filmed their actions on video

- the police said in a statement.

The attackers were served a notice of suspicion of premeditated murder. They were  chosen a measure of restraint in the form of detention for a period of 60 days.

У Німеччині вбили 17-річного українця через національність12.02.24, 06:24


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