
Thousands of shells for grenade launchers: Lithuania hands over new batch of military aid to Ukraine

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As part of a new military aid package, Lithuania has handed over thousands of rounds of ammunition for Carl-Gustaf grenade launchers and the RISE-1 remote detonation system to the Ukrainian army

As part of a new military aid package, Lithuania has handed over a batch of ammunition for Carl-Gustaf grenade launchers to Ukraine . This was reported by the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense, UNN reported.


On February 2, the Lithuanian army transported and handed over thousands of rounds of ammunition for Carl-Gustaf grenade launchers and the RISE-1 remote detonation system to the Ukrainian army

- the agency summarized.

Lithuanian Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas emphasized that support for Ukraine is an investment in Lithuania's security. He also said that part of the latest support Vilnius is focusing  on the Ukrainian demining coalition.

For reference

RISE-1 is a Lithuanian intelligent remote explosion initiation system designed for use by the military. Its main function is to safely and timely initiate a connected electronic detonator using wireless signals.

Бронемашини, снаряди та ракети для ППО: Німеччина оголосила новий пакет військової допомоги для України31.01.24, 13:03

The system supports up to fifty initiators over a wide area, providing users with flexibility to meet their situational needs. The system components are lightweight and compact. The RISE-1 system is also said to be highly resistant to electronic warfare.


Ukraine and Lithuania have agreed to cooperate in military-technical projects, focusing on areas such as drones, electronic warfare, and cybersecurity.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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