
They spent about a million hryvnias: in Kyiv, heads of municipal enterprises are suspected of embezzlement in the purchase of road equipment

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Kyiv officials who fraudulently received about a million hryvnias for undelivered road equipment face up to 12 years in prison.

Officials of a Kyiv utility company who embezzled about a million hryvnias for the purchase of road equipment face up to twelve years in prison. This is reported by the Main Board of the National Police in Kyiv, UNN reports.


Investigators documented the illegal activities of officials in embezzling budget funds allocated for the purchase of road equipment without its actual delivery.

Закупівля овочерізок за завищеною ціною: у Києві судитимуть посадовицю РДА22.01.24, 11:44

In particular, law enforcement officers found out that in December 2023, the director of one of the district municipal enterprises, the Road Maintenance Department for the Repair and Maintenance of Highways , during a tender for the purchase of a pedestrian fence, ensured the victory of a predetermined participant.

He also deliberately ignored the existence of another offer, which was much lower.

Subsequently, the offender, the company's chief engineer and director of the winning company, signed a number of documents on the acceptance and transfer of 350 units of road fence components.

However, as the police found out , the equipment was not delivered within the timeframe specified in the contracts. However, about a million budget funds were unjustifiably transferred to the company's account.

Investigators classified the offenders' actions under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and served the conspirators a notice of suspicion under Part 5 of Art. 191 - misappropriation or seizure of property by abuse of office and Part 1 of Art. 366 - forgery. The sanction of the most severe article provides for imprisonment for a term of seven to twelve years with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years and confiscation of property

- the police summarized.


The head of the Department of Construction, Architecture and Land Use of Sviatoshyno District State Administration will be tried for embezzlement of budget funds for repairing shelters. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko

Crimes and emergencies


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