
There are no established facts of the use of DPRK missiles during strikes on the capital of Ukraine - Ruvin

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The fact of possible shelling of Kyiv with missiles produced by the DPRK during the last two massive strikes on Ukraine has not yet been established. This was reported on his tg-channel by Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, according to UNN .

 There are no established facts of the use of Korean-made missiles in the attacks on the capital

- Ruvin noted.

At the same time, according to the Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, the first results of the examination showed that the Russian X-101 missiles that struck Ukraine already use certain modifications.

"According to the first results, we can see that the X-101 strategic cruise missile has certain modifications and passive jammers, and dipole reflectors are fired. Most of the element base is heavily damaged, with almost all microelectronics physically destroyed. At the same time, the markings of some identified elements of the X-101 missiles indicate that they were manufactured in the 3-4 quarter of 2023. We can probably conclude that this means that the enemy does not have significant stocks of this type of weapon, and after production they are immediately transferred to combat missions," added Oleksandr Ruvin.


John Kirby, the coordinator of the US National Security Council, reported that Russia had used North Korean ballistic missiles against Ukraine . According to him, the launches took place on December 30 and January 2.  

Ворог бив по Україні ракетами виробленими у другій половині 2023 року. Ймовірно, застосовував нові зразки зброї - Олександр Рувін03.01.24, 10:17

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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