
The US is preparing new military aid packages for Ukraine

 • 20531 переглядiв

The United States is preparing new military aid packages for Ukraine to restore the previous level of arms deliveries, according to a US State Department spokesman.

The United States is preparing new military assistance packages for Ukraine, which will allow it to return to the previous level of arms supplies. This was announced by US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller during a briefing, UNN reports .


In particular, the journalists asked whether the United States would speed up the supply of weapons to Ukraine in the wake of the latest Russian missile attack.

The official replied that he had no additional announcements on this matter, but reminded us that the United States had recently provided more than one billion dollars in aid to Ukraine.

We are working on other packages. I think you can expect us to return to the pace we were at before the funding break

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller

Miller also added that we should expect new aid packages to be announced.

Міллер прокоментував інцидент з безпілотниками на ЗАЕС09.04.24, 03:28


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