
The price of life is 10 thousand dollars: police prevented a contract killing in Odesa region

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Odesa police prevented a contract killing, a man found "killers" and promised a $10,000 reward for taking a person's life.

Police officers received information that a resident of Odesa district, on the basis of long-term hostile relations had ordered the murder of his neighbor and promised to pay 10 thousand dollars for taking his life. dollars for the murder. This was reported by the by the press service of the National Police of Ukraine, UNN reports .

The police received information that a resident of a village in Odesa district had decided to kill his neighbor, with whom he had a long-standing hostile relationship, and was looking for the perpetrators,

- the statement said.


The customer didn't care how they completed the task. He only required confirmation of the of the crime.

When everything was agreed and prepared for execution, law enforcement officers conducted a a special operation: they staged a murder on behalf of one of the perpetrators.

They sent a "report" to the customer's cell phone in the form of photographs with the victim's bloody and arranged a meeting to make a payment.

As soon as the offender arrived to hand over the agreed-upon monetary reward, he was detained in a procedural order.


Ukrainian police liquidated group, that was engaged in robbing lonely elderly people, having detained previously previously convicted suspects in Odesa. The victims were mostly lonely elderly people; almost all members of the criminal group had previously been convicted, including for committing for robberies.

Привласнив пів мільйона гривень готівки, яка була речовим доказом: колишньому слідчому поліції оголосили про підозру03.01.24, 15:12


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