
The occupiers provided the leadership of the "universities" in the TOT with plans for the mandatory attendance of students at the "elections"

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The Center of National Resistance reports on preparations for a "pseudo-vote" for Vladimir Putin in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. In particular, they are talking about the forced participation of students and the creation of "schools of young voters" that will campaign for Putin.

Preparations for a pseudo-vote for the "President of the Russian Federation" are underway in the temporarily occupied territories. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports .


It is noted that as part of this process, the occupation administrations informed the management of fake educational institutions (universities, colleges, schools) of plans for mandatory student attendance at the "elections".

To implement the plan, "schools for young voters" were created in the TOT, where they allegedly teach those who will be voting for the first time. In fact, these are mandatory propaganda circles in support of Putin,

- the statement said.


As UNN previously reported , in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, Russian occupiers, accompanied by the military , are collecting signatures among locals in support of "presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

Британська розвідка: рф використає псевдовибори на ТОТ, щоб створити враження легітимності вторгнення17.12.23, 13:09

Olga Rozgon



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